Un article dans le New York Time éveille un soupçon que le Russiagate est devenu tellement obsessionnel, que çà en devient ridicule. Du fait que des agents russes auraient pu vendre des informations a des agents américains, qui en réalité, se sont fait royalement arnaqués. Une incompétence, un amateurisme tels, que l'article en est presque douteux. Et pourtant, ne serait ce pas justement le cancer de l'amérique. Croire qu'elle est encore sérieuse et responsable, alors qu'elle est entre les mains de gens schizophrènes et psychopathes.
Mueller's indictments are not "Russia-Gate".
RépondreSupprimerThis is Russia-Gate; Murder-Gate:
John Brennan is Murdering, Torturous Thief (amongst this entire “intelligence” community).
Russia-Gate; Murder-Gate
These people have tried to kill me multiple times.
I continue to be tortured and abused.
They have tried to Frame me as “Crazy” — I am the furthest thing from it and this is the unequivocal truth!
There are countless murders.
Children have been exploited; Families have been destroyed.
Public Funds were stolen.
They have lined their pockets with my intellectual property and with agendas of murder (including mine).
These people have and continue to steal my intellectual property worth Trillions and obscure my discoveries.
The people implicated in this are the purported leaders of our Nation.
This is the truth and the starting point beginning/source of “Russia-Gate”.
This includes the former director of the CIA et al.
This entire US Government has been engaged and I have all the substantiating evidence to prove it (see below).
As I have stated numerous times: I am begging for my life.
Further your families, their lives, their freedom, and our United States of America depends on Public exposure and your representation.
I need YOUR LEGAL HELP and/or Representation NOW!!!
This is life and death and the outcome of our United States and our Earth “The Free World” depends on this.
Share everywhere, help me expose these murdering, torturous thieves.
When I have Justice, I will have the platform to ensure the Legislation is passed and enforced.
I own a 3.6 Trillion Dollar Quantum Technological Revolution that I will not commence (establish my business) until I have achieved Justice, and my fellow Americans and Citizens of this Earth are free people (again). Democracy restored.
Why would any of these people care? This apparatus of Evil has fleeced our U.S. Government (20 Trillion+ in debt), and I possess the intellectual property (Quantum Technological Revolution) to ensure the sustainment of our United States (tax dollars alone, not including the economics that go along with it).
Further, when Justice has been achieved and all this has been exposed – trials complete – my business (BASRC) is an equal opportunity employer and I will ENFORCE Gender Equality. At no point in time will my Corporation have more than +/- 55% Men or Women within it. There will be ZERO Discrimination of any type.
This is the truth; this is “Russia-Gate”.
I need your help if for any other reason because you care about your children, grandchildren, Democracy, our United States of America, our Earth, and Humanity.
I need your help now!!!
Benjamin Allen Sullivan